Tuesday, October 30, 2012

the difference running outside makes.

today i'm sore.
and it feels great.

when i stand up from sitting my thighs are stiff from my solid run last night around the lake. my initial plan was to go for an easy jog around the lake, taking in the evening sights, enjoying the cool autumn air, but when the walking man lit up on the traffic light i took off at a pace that was much faster than i expected. i felt lightweight and fast and strong--i felt amazing--until the homestretch when a cramp in my left shoulder tormented me; and then, about 2 blocks from home, my left knee started searing in pain but i pushed through.

it was my first outside run of the season and it was refreshing and wonderful.

i forget, sometimes, how great it is to leave the regime of the gym and just run. no machines. no calorie ticker. no texts distracting me. just me with my thoughts and maybe some music.

even better that when i got home, jeremy had texted that he wanted to take me out for a black & tan sundae. big smile.